Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Help Me! I Can't Breathe

This isn't strictly inspired from the fraudulent fat free Dunkin donut example that was demonstrated in class as a prime starting place for blogging, but rather an appropriate opportunity to voice a concern I've had for quite some time about my own health. My concern is literally a nightmare every night not for me and sometimes for others as well.

I snore. On the surface it doesn't seen too out of the ordinary or that big of a deal for that matter, but I'm a dreadful snorer and I'm afraid it's taking a toll on my life. My loud, obnoxious snoring might very well be sleep apnea, but unless I spend a night in the ER anytime soon, I'll never know. I should have known things would get worse when my own mother and brother would have to constantly hit, smack, and roughly nudge me even when I was a small child sleeping soundly, well not soundly, but loudly unconsciously next to them during Saturday Night Live. Then as I got older, even my own friends would throw objects and physically abuse me during sleep overs like i was Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket. It's almost as if it's virtually impossible to become a morning person living with me.The worst part is, I can't help it! It's not like I had control over this obvious day in and day out situation. I'm convinced it's been a plague from birth. Damn genetics and the hereditary curse that has been bestowed upon me! The blame doesn't even way heavier on one side of my family more than the other as both my father and mother are prominent snorers, but my dad doesn't just take the cake, he takes the whole bakery. Like father like son, I guess.

When I was younger, I didn't think of the long term effects or the negative impact it may have on health later in life, but college lifestyle certainly hasn't helped me become a more silent sleeper. I drink, I smoke, and will indulge in some very late night snacking. This is all textbook things of what not to do to, according public college enemy #1 Web MD, but isn't this what a lot of young adults do? Sure, but they're obviously not bringing down the house with James Gandolfini type breathing like I do.

  • Lose weight and improve your eating habits.
  • Avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antihistamines before you go to bed.
  • Avoid alcohol, heavy meals, or snacks at least four hours before you sleep.
  • Establish regular sleeping patterns. For example, try to go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Sleep on your side rather than on your back."

Regular sleeping patterns? That's practically foreign language to an American college student in their early 20's. Avoid alcohol and heavy meals? Sure, take away all life's pleasures. As I edge closer to graduation, I'm only starting to realize what feeling normal (sober) is like again. But I do know, if I don't change or find help in some way, it's only going to get worse and who knows what consequences it'll bring. I sure as hell don't want it ruining any future love lives. What's more important is my own life.

"Severe nightly episodes of interrupted breathing during sleep - commonly known as sleep apnea - double the risk of death for middle-age men, according to a new study being called the largest ever conducted on the disorder,' said Stephanie Desmon. (,0,2027434.story)

This was recently printed in an article by The Baltimore Sun and the article only gets more bleak...

There's still that issue of relationships and the news isn't good. In a recent articled published by the Associated Press, they pointed out snoring's effect in the bedroom.

"Snoring is a “big relationship divider,” said Dr. Laura Berman, a relationship and sex therapist in Chicago. She said snoring creates frustration and resentment on both sides: the snorers, who can’t help it, and those suffering next to them." (

Either I must sleep on my stomach for the rest of my life or simply marry someone with terrible hearing. This is worrying me all too much. To think I'm potentially killing myself every night and maybe ruining any chances of a healthy relationship... I can't take it anymore, I'll just sleep on it... Well, maybe that's exactly what I shouldn't do.

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